Stories from the Classroom

How COVID-19 Will Change Education

Episode Summary

A month ago I read an article that said schools will definitely be doing 'blended' learning permanently and that social distancing will require schools to have kids come to school on different days to lower the capacity.  I thought 'well...that MIGHT happen but we can't say with certainty.' 30 days later, these are the exact things school leaders are discussing around the world.  What will education look like in the Fall of 2020?  What will it look like in a post-COVID-19 world?

Episode Notes

I wanted to chat with someone about everything I had been reading online and seeing from schools around the world, some of which are beginning to open up after 3 months of remote learning.  Carl Hooker was the first person to come to mind.

Carl Hooker has been in education for 20+ years and is an Apple Distinguished educator, has served as a classroom teacher, instructional technologist, virtualization coordinator, director of innovation & digital learning, and founder of iPadpalooza, an educational technology conference in central Texas.

In today's episode, Carl and I chat about what the future of education may look like not only in this upcoming school year but what it may look like beyond Covid19.





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