Stories from the Classroom

Create Immersive Learning Experiences with Augmented Reality (without fancy equipment)

Episode Summary

*This episode was recorded in February before many schools began remote teaching. While the context of the conversation is a normal classroom, there are applications to remote teaching if you and/or your students have a device at home* Generally when people thing of augmented reality, they think of Pokemon Go. The game tapped into the nostalgia of Pokemon fans everywhere, myself included. It created an immersive experience for users where they could actually see Pokemon in their physical environment through the use of their camera phone. Creating an immersive experience shouldn't just be limited to mobile games though. How can we give our students an immersive experience in the classroom?

Episode Notes

My guest today is a teacher-of-the-year recipient and educator of 20 years.  Carolina Carner has been utilizing augmented reality in her classroom for several years in her middle school classroom.  Additionally she's worked with Google for Edu as a product expert in Google Expeditions, AR, VR, and Tour Creator.  She's THE AR/VR person to talk to when it comes to implementation in the classroom.

It was a fun conversation as she walked me through a litany of augmented reality apps, showing me their classroom application.  You hear me experiencing them in real time.

We explore:





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